Watch more awesome punch-kicking in the new Raid 2 trailer

raid-2-trailer-154420-a-1390382751-470-75Another trailer for Gareth Evans’ unrelenting martial arts sequel The Raid 2 has landed on the interwebs, and with it comes another look at the film’s incredibly fast-paced fist-fighting.

Whereas the first film took place almost entirely within one tower block, this follow-up opens out the action to the whole of Jakarta, meaning that we get even bigger set-pieces including, from the looks of the trailer, at least one heart-stopping car chase.

Director Evans called in stunt legend Bruce Law (who worked on Hard Boiled and Jackie Chan’s Supercop) for this sequel to perfect every kick, punch, jump and flip with the cast, who then spent three months in rehearsals before filming.

Matt Looker
